We Are Planting Truth| And Harvesting Life| Biblical Courses| Agricultural Courses| Traditional Skills

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Our Vision

Acting upon His Word. We will demonstrate the immeasurable wisdom of God’s Word through practical application. Simply put, we will seek to act upon His written word in obedience, free from religious doctrines of men. How can God's people ever go wrong by doing what the Scriptures tell us to do? From Genesis to Revelation we seek to honor His instructions for His set apart Covenant people.

Create a learning environment that cultivates His abundant life. The Bible provides the believer with an abundance of life-sustaining wisdom. From the Law of God given to the Children of Israel to the revelations given in the New Testament writings, God's word is life.

Teach the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation with Yeshua the Messiah/Jesus Christ as our aim. He lived His life according to the commandments of His Father and He is our example for how we are to live and worship in Spirit (Ezekiel 36:24-27) and in Truth (Psalm 119:142)

Skilled Instructors who have dedicated their lives to advancing the truth of His coming Kingdom. We are committed in our calling to equip this generation with the Biblical knowledge they will need to flourish in these difficult challenges facing our world.

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